Apache 2 - A dance with Slowloris
Nov 2017
This blog post kicks off a series of ‘war stories’ that I’ll be sharing, where I’ll be covering my thought-process on tackling interesting issues - in a bid ...
Nov 2017
This blog post kicks off a series of ‘war stories’ that I’ll be sharing, where I’ll be covering my thought-process on tackling interesting issues - in a bid ...
Jan 2017
“it’s dangerous to go alone, take this…”
Jan 2016
One of my favourite aspects to meeting fellow developers is having a rummage through their toolbox - discovering the tools they use, the workflow they follow...
May 2012
I’m working with the latest version of the Google Maps API (V3) and the demo in the developers guide guide screams out for a dose of Coffeescript and jQuery....
May 2012
The jQuery toggle() function is great for easily switching an element to hidden or not. Today I was working on something where I wanted to toggle with a fade...
May 2012
Ruby Koans has sat on my todo list for almost as long as I’ve been a Ruby developer and this week I’ve finally taken it upon myself to tackle it. Expectedly,...
Apr 2012
Today was spent away from my desk, but I was reminded of a great quote by George S. Patton, an American officer during World War 2. Now, I can’t vouch for hi...
Apr 2012
With Haml, placing a full-stop or comma immediately after a link, for example, can be confusing. Sure, we have the whitespace removal functionaliy removal th...
Apr 2012
This post starts a 30 days experiment. I’m not alone in starting a blog with every intention of keeping consistent, only to find weeks fly past without so mu...
Dec 2011
DataTables is a powerful jQuery plugin that easily turns a standard HTML table into one that is sortable, paginatable, searchable and highly customisable. Ha...